First successful transplant

Our first organ transplant was a success (above)! Daphne’s fascia on the instrument cluster (below, bottom) had lost all four corners to over-tightening of the screws, which I gather they are all in peril of. The donor car’s fascia corners were all intact, although cracked, and the fascia overall in better condition, so with the […]

Sow’s ear

This donor car is a bona fide Sow’s ear, but tonight – after some inspiration from some of my favorite automotive photographers’ Instagram albums – I grabbed a prime lens and stalked the old girl, revelling in her shab.

Organ donor

As you may recall, I had been debating over what action to take with the interior – Daphne’s shredded seats in particular. On the weekend I was browsing for ideas on the internet, and wouldn’t you know it: I found a shabby, rusty ’74 DSpecial for sale with an ochre (dark gold) interior. As that’s […]